Gas refund launch Base
Adding liquidity with Alfredo Trade RPC allows earning on the launch process. Profit depends on Priority gas spend by snipers.
Alfredo Trade fee: 30% from gas refund.
The gas refund launch process contains 5 basic steps:
The team deploys the token
Alfredo Trade users set up snipes on the exact token address
Team updates RPC on Metamask to Alfredo Trade Snipe Refund RPC
Team adds liquidity
Check Explorer and enjoy profit from Alfredo Trade user's snipe bribes
Supported dex’s on BASE
Alfredo Trade bot Links
1. Deploy your token
2. Snipe Setup flow at Alfredo Trade
Step 2.1. Send the token address to the bot chat.
Step 2.2. Users are interested in setting a bigger gas priority to be the first to buy the token. Higher gas priority —> Higher project revenue from launch.
Step 2.3. Wait until the snipe execution.
3. Update RPC url
Guide link:
Guide link:
4. Add Liquidity on one of the following DEX’s
LP transaction priority must be between 2-10 Gwei or even more! Example: 3.31
5. Check Snipes result onchain and enjoy the profit
If the Open Trade / LP Transaction arrives to Alfred RPC - user bribe will be landed to Alfred Proxy Address.
Bribe for Base is calculated in the following way:
Bribe = User Extra Priority Gwei * 150 000 Gas Limit
Example. If user put 10 gwei priority, the bribe will be the following:
10 Gwei * 150 000 Gas Limit = 0.0015 ETH
Last updated